"Creative Sunset"

"Creative Sunset"
Process creative 2017-2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sail (2016) 

Sail, 2016 (Mixed techniques acrylic painting, graffiti influence of Surrealism Art, 20X30).

About this paintwork :  You know those things that you feel like saying, but those words are repressed in your emotions by a crazy emotion you end up repressing yourself and  sayed do not do it for fear, fear dominates you frightens, so make do have consequences: Almost all the disease the modern world like depression and panic syndrome it's about it.  So you feeling observed, frustrate and lost, and makes you forget who it's  you. I'm realize that we can have this moment about fear it's are feeling and ours minds like human. This are questions  who asked our self so it's real life so this feelings : anger, love, passion, hate walk together with fear. The fear overwhelms you, terrifies you and makes you tremble like a piece "of green stick", like a punch that tears your heart as slowly as possible, so you know when you working that pain a little, but it's possible grown and sail. 

 This influence this paintwork is about the surrealism art, and like the human working your unconscious at difference and the possibilities, this my  paint work talk about it: it's one studying series about fear, courage, and the construction the culture model  society at contemporary art and when so I'm beginning  at 2016  explore and talking  more about my process creative and have inspirations at one this my favorite song of the Brazilian sing Chico Buarque de Holanda who have the name Argonauts who say at chorus : 

'' Sailing is necessary

Living does not need"

This concept the surrealism art at working the mind human, it's very important for consolidate my process creative about the society, culture and  the direct influence the process artistic of my country , Brazil with Modernism ( during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century) and Tropicalism was a movement of rupture that shook Brazilian popular music and culture between 1967 and 1968 but think about contemporary art and my process this moment at 2019.

Curiosity about song, Surrealism Arts:
about the song at original version at Portuguese: 

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